Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Photographing cells using microscopes and iPads

For our G6 "Cells, Organs, and Organ Systems" unit, students have learned how to use compound microscopes to magnify a world invisible to the naked eye.  We have practiced carefully drawing the cells we have observed, but these drawings can never fully capture the amazing things we are seeing.  This year, thanks to the lending of iPads from the PE department, students have been able to actually take photos of their cell specimens by placing the iPad camera against the eye piece of their microscope.  Students are then able to Airdrop these images to their computers, where they can be posted to their G6 science blogs.  Stay tuned for more information on how students are using blogging to share their learning with their peers and family members.  Parents, keep an eye out for an invitation to view your child's blog! 

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