Thursday, March 10, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Research

Ancient Egypt is one of our major units of study in 6th grade, but it also gets covered briefly in grade one. I met with the first grade teachers to see if there was a way for my students to help theirs' meet some of their learning objectives.  After some discussion we decided that my students could help the first grade students learn about using online resources for research as they discovered what life was like in ancient Egypt.
My students were very excited to cross back to the other side of the bridge to work with the first grade students.  We put everyone with a buddy and after some brief introductions, everyone got busy working on an online scavenger hunt about lifestyles of the various social classes.  
The time went by far too quickly, but we accomplished a lot and had a great time doing it.  Shortly afterward, my students sent each of their buddies a thank you message.  We were all very surprised a few days later when everyone got a hand drawn thank you letter from their 1st grade buddy!

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